The Ultimate Guide Fruit

Ultimate Guide Fruit

We’re often told that we should eat more fruit and vegetables, and we try our best. We know fruit contains fiber and nutrients. We know it’s good for us… until we read an article, or watch a video on how much sugar is in it. This confuses us. Is eating fruit healthy? Or should avoid it at all costs? You’re about to find out in “The Ultimate Guide: Fruit.”
Why has fruit got a bad name?
With the rise in diets advocating low carbohydrates, the fruit has got a bad name. Why is this? Fruit contains fructose and glucose, which are sugars. Everyone knows that sugar is bad for you, and can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other conditions. People have put two and two together and are telling us that fruit isn’t good for us.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. The body metabolizes fruit sugar differently than it does process or added sugar. The fruit is good for you. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, water, and contains fiber.
If you choose to have a low carbohydrate diet, then limiting fruit makes sense. There’s nothing wrong with that. But for the majority of people who want to don’t want to eat a low carbohydrate diet, and eat healthier, the fruit isn’t bad for you. Fruit should be a staple in your diet.
Can I eat fruit and lose weight?

Of course, you can. You can eat pizza and lose weight. Losing weight is about calories in vs. calories out (the law of thermodynamics). If you’re eating fewer calories than you expend, you’ll weight loss. Whether you want to do that through fruit, or pizza, is entirely up to you.
The fruit is useful to have when losing weight. This is because of the amount of volume you get with a piece or two of fruit compared to other food or drink, and also because it’s convenient. For example, one medium-sized banana contains 100 calories – about the same as half a packet of crisps, or a third of a chocolate bar. Now, I know what will keep me full for longer!
A high intake of fruit, just like any other food, can lead to weight gain. Eating too much fruit is difficult, however, so in most cases, continue eating what you’re doing.
How about fruit juice, dried fruit, or canned fruit?

Juices work for some people – they’re an easy way of getting in your 5-a-day. This is especially true if you make this yourself at home (as shop-bought juices usually contain added sugar). However, have you ever tried to eat 5 fruits, compared to when you blend 5 fruits together and drink it? You’ll find that eating them is difficult to consume, and therefore filling, and blending them is easy to consume, and you wants more.
This is because smoothies don’t need to be chewed, so your brain doesn’t get the signal that you’re full, and you need to stop eating. Therefore, stick to whole fruit where possible.
With dried fruit, sugar is often added to these, making them unhealthier than whole food. Portion sizes are important here too. As dried fruit is relatively small, it’s easy to overeat this. This being said, enjoy dried fruit if you’re able to control your portion sizes, and as long as you check there is no added sugar.
When it comes to canned fruit, the general advice is to stay away. Why? Because canned fruit is usually packed with syrup, and syrup contains sugar. This type of sugar is processed, and our body metabolizes it quickly, so it keeps us wanting more.
In “The Ultimate Guide: Fruit,” you’ve learned why fruit has got a bad name in recent years. It’s safe to say that in general, it is good for you. It’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals, water, fiber, and you get more volume for every calorie of fruit, compared to other sources of food. Be careful when a raw piece of the fruit turns into fruit juice, dried fruit, or canned fruit – these should be enjoyed sparingly, due to them containing higher calories. Eating fruit whilst trying to lose weight is a good way to keep full so keep eating it!
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